

Professional application

Video Intercom

全數字可視對講, 採用最先進的 SoC 底層優化方案及 Android 平台, 建構在標準 VoIP 及 RTSP 協議, 通話延遲在 200mS以內, 每秒30個 frame 720P 影像品質 搭配多台室內機多台門口機,並且可以通過雲服務與手機和平板進行遠程影像對講。


Security Alarm


我們的室內機可選用保全功能, 每台 8 迴路, 可偵測狀態, 可旁路, 可擴充 住戶可透過手機和平板做 Arm/Disarm 操作, 迴路有防剪線功能, 警報發生可同時推送到手機 APP。



Access Control


我們的門口機都設有讀卡裝置, 可刷卡開門. 訪客可於對講呼叫後由屋主遠程遙控開門 當運用在酒店式管理, 可以透過APP QR code 房客進出授權。



服務: 積佳科技, 雲對講, 物聯網智能化, 智慧家庭, 門禁對講, 緊急對講, sip對講機, 網路型對講機系統, TUTK P2P, 智能家居, APP門禁對講, APP雲對講, 社區對講機app, QR code門禁, 社區對講機免拉線


latest news


About Gigatech

成立於西元1989年,從design house開始到軟硬體開發擁有2條SMT生產線。2011年順應潮流成功轉型成IOT產業,從最底層的硬件, DSP整合, BSP kernel,到IP通訊,RTSP,SIP,P2P,APP,再到雲端CMS全方位自主研發.我司專注於研發製造,歡迎與品牌商通路商系統整合商合作. 老公司做新創,我司最新的APP門禁對講系統,不需要SIP server, 以IOT/P2P技術實現APP雲對講以及APP門禁的QRcode,藍芽,人臉識別功能,並且擁有多項門禁對講相關新發明專利. 積佳成立超過30年,完整的公司營運體系歡迎同業異業聯盟合作,在新世代的IOT產業做出突破性的貢獻. 雲對講,門禁對講,緊急對講, SIP對講機,TUTK P2P,APP門禁對講, APP雲對講, 社區APP對講, QR code門禁, renova。 GIGATECH established in 1989, specialize on RD, has in-house SMT and manufacturing ability, destined for OEM/ODM for brand companies, distributors and system integrators. In recent years our new APP access control and APP video intercom products for apartment buildings have been popularly recognized in Taiwan market, and is ready for international market. This innovative patent certified IOT/P2P APP video intercom needs no SIP server and fixed IP, while the low-cost APP access control has QR code, BLE, facial recognition, PIN, and key-fob function. All web software is developed in Taiwan has proved cyber security and user privacy regulations. APP video intercom, APP access control, SIP camera, Smart Home, Smart Building, QR code, Cloud CMS, ... For more information, please contact us


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